Here To Make Every Piece To Your Liking

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With A VVS collection on our belts, we would like to inform our customers more about why it is beneficial to your jewelry collection before purchasing. This will help you get your ideal piece with confidence.

VVS diamonds are the future. With a smaller carbon footprint and knowing where they come from, we avoid unethically sourced diamonds being part of our brand. Besides that, VVS GRA certified stones are identical to each other, making sure the color and shine is the same for each stone.

VVS Diamonds

VVS is regarded as a diamond alternative, with some opticale properties exceeding those of diamond. It is marketed as a lower price alternative to diamond that also claims less exploitative mining practices. Because of its hardness 9.25 mohs, it can be used in high-pressure experiments, as a replacement for diamonds. This is why it also tests positive on a diamond tester.

Moissanite Hardness/Durability: 9.25 Mohs

( A natural diamond is 10.0 Mohs)

No Fading

Reaction to Dirt: Resist to dirt

Refractive Index: 2.65

Color and Clarity: Little bit yellowish compared to cubic zirconia

Chemical Component: Silicon and Carbon

Diamond Clarity

Clarity refers to how clean and clear the diamond is with respect to natural microscopic characteristics that were trapped within or on the diamond while it was forming.Internal characterisitcs are known as inclusions, and charactaeristics on the surface of the gem are known as blemishes. Inclusions may be crystals of a foreign material or strucutural imperfections such as tiny cracks, known as feathers, which can appear whitish or cloudy.


Diamond Shape

Diamond Shape refers to a diamond´s physical form and is often one of the first attributes that people consider when shopping for a diamond.

Popular Diamond Shapes